Choose a topic that interests you and get to know a Prague shared and divided.
Paths of Prague’s German-Language Writers
The topic introduces five German-writing authors, both men and women, who described Prague’s streets, secluded places and inhabitants.
Notable Women of German-Speaking Prague
The theme maps important places connected with the history of women's emancipation with a focus on the German minority living in Czechoslovakia in the interwar period.
German Social Democracy in Exile in Czechoslovakia.
A literary walk through Kafka’s Prague on the trail of his story Description of a Struggle
Procházka sleduje cestu, která je vylíčena v Kafkově dílku z let 1904–1910 Popis jednoho zápasu.
Robert Popper
The story of a four-month escape through Prague.
Cooperation or collaboration?
Nicholas Winton was not alone: rescuers 1938–1939
Without the help of many domestic and international volunteers, many people would not have been able to get to safety.
Vámi zadanému filtru nic neodpovídá