Grete Popper

Period: 1918–1945

Grete Popper was a German amateur photographer. She was born in Prague in 1897 and mostly worked as a secretary. She spoke several languages including Czech. Popper started to take photographs in 1920s. She became a member of the Klub deutscher Amateurphotographern in Prag [German Amateur Photographers’ Club] and the Royal Photographic Society in London presenting her photos at its exhibitions. She was not displaced during the post-war expulsion of German inhabitants. She worked as a teacher after the war and never married or had children. After a stroke in 1976, she was moved to a home for the elderly in Krásná Lípa near Děčín where she died later that year. The funerary urn was placed in the Coufal family grave in Prague – Malvazinky, but her name is not mentioned on the tombstone.

Her photographs are characterized by sensitivity for capturing light. She was interesting in product photos, she took portraits of people and animals and made high-quality studio photos. She also captured scenes from her travels, ethnographic scenes in Moravia and Slovakia as well as the everyday life in Prague.[1]

[1] G. Popper: Grete Popper: fotografie mezi dvěma světovými válkami = photographs from the inter-war period, Praha: KANT, 2005.

Zdroj fotografií:

Obchodní dům Baťa / Baťa Department Store , 1930–1939, Moravská galerie v Brně
Pohřeb TGM / President Masaryk’s Funeral, 1937, Moravská galerie v Brně
On patiner sur la Vltava / On the river / Zima, kolem 1937, Moravská galerie v Brně


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